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2025 Half Pastured Pig Deposit

2025 Half Pastured Pig Deposit

Deposit Reserves Your Order

Interested in purchasing a half hog for our 2025 harvest? 
We're not raising a stink, but our pork is delicious, just ask our customers. Food security, raised in the woods with a rotational grazing system unique to our area, these pigs live a happy, happy life.
Send in your reservation and reserve your spot in the 2025 harvest with a $100 deposit. Deposit total will be reduced from final meat cost. Approximate hanging weight for a half fall pig is 100 pounds x the rate of $2.50/ pound hanging weight.
Typical take home yield for a typical harvested pig is around 70-100 lbs of meat. Summer pigs tend to be a bit smaller than fall pigs.

Processing is a separate cost from the meat bill paid to the farm. In 2025, state inspected summer and fall processing will be done at Odenthal Meats by New Prague. Approximate processing cost is $185 per half hog, dependent on the weight of the pig and what you have made.