Mankato Farmers Market 3/15 St Paul Farmers Market 3/8, 3/29

Bison Bacon

December 1, 2020 • 0 comments

Bison Bacon
Done right, Bison Bacon is delicious, and will make you question how you have survived without it. Making the bacon Chewy or Crunchy is always a tough choice. Bison is lean, it needs to be cooked differently than pork bacon, which naturally carries more insulative fat. If you cook lean meat fat fast, it will stay chewy. A slow rise in temperature will help render the fat, until it appears translucent. At this point, the fat will be much softer, and provide a more thorough eating experience.
  • Cook Time:



Place package of bison bacon in the refrigerator until thawed.

Remove package from refrigerator, and place bison bacon on cooking sheet lined with parchment paper or foil. 

For chewy bacon, place in the oven. Set oven to 400 degrees and remove at 5 minutes. Let sit and enjoy.

For a little crunchier bacon, place in the oven. Set oven to 400 degrees and cook for 10 minutes. Remove the pan to flip bacon to the other side. Place the pan inside the oven again for 5-10 minutes depending on your texture preference.

Enjoy on a sandwich, in a salad, egg bake, or with your breakfast meal!

Bison Bacon Egg Bake
December 1, 2020 • 0 comments
Creamy Bison Cubesteak
November 19, 2020 • 0 comments